February 17, 2012

Staying in? Turn the lights down low and light up your candles. Make your seating extra cozy by adding lots of pillows and throws.

But if you ladies are pre-partying at home before going out on the town, think high energy with bright colors and a disco ball. Convert your living room into a starlet's dressing room with mirrors, cosmetics, powder puffs, makeup brushes, perfume - basically, everything you need to feel glam.

To give your party that special-event feel, create goody bags for your girls, filled with fun gifts like your favorite lip gloss, nail polish and gossip magazine. Line them up neatly along a side table for an eye-catching decoration they'll be sure to appreciate.

Girls' night is a great reason to get dolled up, whether you go out or stay in. Going out but have nothing to wear? Invite your guests to get ready at your place and ask them to bring over some extra going-out accessories and jewelry to share. A different handbag or earrings will add new life to any of your outfits.

If you're staying in, you might want to go with a more casual dress code. T-shirts, jogging pants and flowy skirts are perfect for a kick-back night in with friends.

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